Vietnam | Education and Teaching Ministry

Southeast Asia | Agricultural Placement Opportunities

Opportunity Overview:

Team Hope is looking for resilient individuals who are willing to live simply, and perhaps within certain cultural boundaries, at the rural outer edges of a small city to fill a variety of needs in Southeast Asia. Team Hope's agricultural initiatives and other development projects are both a presence and proclamation to Muslims that they are desperately loved by God, yet their understanding is incomplete. Communicate with us your skills and passions so we can evaluate where you can best use them in our area of ministry.

Countries:  Southeast Asia

Terms:  Long-Term (3+ years), Mid-Term (1 - 3 years)




Assistance with Campus-based Agricultural Demonstration Farm

  • Our campus-based demonstration farm would benefit from assistance in management, teaching organic techniques, and providing technical training to visitors. Our goal is to build students that carry organic skills and stories of Jesus back to their hometowns where improved methods can facilitate transformational development. Home visits to these students is desired as a method of follow-up.

Assistance in developing research trials and documentation for our training farm

  • Provide research trials, comprehensive documentation, and publishing; Our goal of progressing our farm as an academic, scientific, developmentally sound resource for SEA in organic mountain slope agriculture.

Assistance in community-based agricultural extension work

  • Work as a community-based extension agent or alongside dedicated Agri-Community Staff for organic techniques, with relationships that overflow with a love for Jesus into storytelling or story studies. Our goal is connecting the presence of Jesus to the proclamation of Jesus in a contextual way.

Assistance in reforestation

  • A reforestation intern willing to work towards community-based reforestation/farmer managed reforestation through community meetings, demonstrations, and documentation.


  • Follower of Jesus, with deep connection to the Spirit
  • Experienced in organic agriculture, husbandry, or other derivatives (as a note, females are specifically strategic in our organic vegetable training programs)
  • A community development individual with an understanding of how to pursue sustainable reforestation at a government and grassroots level through several different local microclimates.
  • Willing to culturally contextualize their lives for building relationships in a complex discrimination situation
  • Professional agri-experience, extension type work is a plus
  • Familiar with excel, word, etc.
  • Share stories of Scripture leading to Discovery Bible Studies
  • Willing to learn a tribal language and a national language
  • Able to live simply in rural locations

Additional Information:

This region is a critical region of Muslim life, as many have fled to our border city from war, persecution, land theft, and other discrimination.Team Hope’s Agricultural Training Center teaches Muslim farmers to be good stewards of God’s creation through hillside terrace farming and organic agricultural techniques. Goat management and year-round gardening program models help farmers feed their families, while exposing them to Biblical stories, values, and teaching. New ventures are tilapia fish pond project, oyster mushroom cultivation, native stingless bee propagation, European honey bees for pollination, rabbits, and chickens raised for eggs/meat. We also provide on-the-job training for agricultural students from the local university.

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