14 Worst Types of Missionary Newsletters

June 2014

By Amy Walters — I read a lot of missionary newsletters—about 100 every month.

As part of my job writing for SEND International, newsletters are some of my main sources of stories and information. I also serve on my church’s missions committee. So between the two, I’ve seen newsletters from all over the world and a variety of missions organizations.

Some of the newsletters I read are excellent. And some, well, not so much. I know you, the missionary, have incredible stories to share—you’re on the front lines of God’s amazing work around the world. But so often, the good stuff gets buried under a pile of newsletter blunders.

Here are 14 of the worst offenders with examples from actual newsletters:

1. The Banker
Nothing but support updates and requests for money. Oh, and maybe a story about visiting a church and asking for money. “It’s not too late to join our team.”

2. The Paper Cut
Focused mainly on the long, paperwork-filled process of getting legal documents, like visas or residency permits. As boring and painful to read as the actual process of gathering the documents and waiting in line. “The officials did not accept our documents (which is very normal for the first attempt, although it was over very small mistakes). However, to get a second appointment would mean waiting the next day in a long line (this whole process has been full of long lines all over the city for different steps) to see if the quota is still open. So, the next day Leon* waited in line for 5 hours, only to find out that no, the quota is closed. This means that we cannot apply for the temporary residency until after the New Year.”

3. The Cluster Bomb
No communication for months and then a sudden rush of updates. Often this happens when the missionary needs something, like more support or home service is coming. “At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we will give another report about how wonderful our time was on our recent trip!”

4. The Itinerary
Basically, a long list of activities, locations and events in paragraph form. The audience feels tired after reading it and bouncing from one place to the next. “We were able to combine visits to see Kim’s* father in Pennsylvania, children and grandchildren in Lynchburg, Virginia and Buffalo, New York to meeting friends and attending a new career conference in Ocean City, New Jersey.”

5. The Treasure Hunt
Mostly filled with cultural tidbits and mundane details. But buried somewhere deep inside, like in a sidebar or at the very end of a long letter, is a great ministry story. [After nine paragraphs about other things] “Praise God for a girl in my class who has now received assurance of salvation.”

6. The Novel
Anything longer than three pages. This usually happens because the missionary hasn’t written in months. “And one more thing…”

7. The Christmas Letter
Almost entirely made up of family updates, with little or nothing said about ministry. Added bonus: long description and pictures of a recent family vacation to an exotic location. “Another family invited us to join them at a nearby resort.”

8. The Cliff Hanger
A desperate call for prayer or help that is not followed up and resolved in the next letter. “Ended up in hospital, trying to find what’s going on. Our life here is but a moment, so easy to take it for granted.”

9. Generic
As boring as the title, either from lack of interesting details or mainly focusing on day to day stuff. So general that it could be cut and pasted into anyone’s newsletter and still apply. “While at home, I did a lot of cleaning, sorting, and washing windows.”

10. The Shock & Awe
Too much going on, from too many different styles of fonts, to too many colors and clip art and photos and graphs and sections. The eyes don’t know where to look first. “Above: My fourth great-nephew and I pose for a comical photo on Thanksgiving Day.”

11. The Snooze & Blah
No pictures. No colors. No graphics. Just words.

12. The Judge
A negative assessment of the host culture, either subtle or blatant. “Is it possible to be both different and wrong?”

13. The Gory Details
Goes into great detail about something incredibly gross or personal, like a recent surgery or explosive illness. Also could include pictures. “We could admire the iron in our toilet bowl.”

14. The Bait & Switch
Teases you with the promise of a great story but instead gets sidetracked with related but unimportant details. “So we landed in [the city], got in a van and rode out to join the teen camp that was starting the next day. 10 days later we took part in the English camp. The time at the camp definitely got us back into life here quickly.”

(Now, I understand that there are special situations where a newsletter like those above would be appropriate. But those should be the exception to the rule, not common practice.)

If you found your newsletter on the list, never fear! There are a few, simple solutions that can help you avoid these blunders in the future.

  • Know your audience. Think about what they want to read and what kind of knowledge they do or do not have about where you are serving. Think about what questions they have and answer them. Treat them as a partner in ministry.

  • Focus on ministry. Don’t just tell us what you do. Show us with a story. And keep ministry stories front and center—don’t bury them at the end of the newsletter.

  • Stay balanced. Support updates, family news, and cultural tidbits are great when kept in balance. Don’t let them take over the entire newsletter.

  • Write regularly. Be consistent in sending out your newsletter. Regular, short updates are better than once a year, long updates.

  • Vent to close friends. Everyone struggles sometimes. Your newsletter is not the right place to hash it out. Find some people you can talk to and pour your heart out to them. Then when it comes to your newsletter, you can still keep your supporters informed, but they don’t need to know all the details.

Like I said, I know you have wonderful stories to tell, and I am anxious to read them. Hopefully, these suggestions will help your audience find, read and connect with those stories so they can engage more fully in your ministry.

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