Can Muslims put up a Christmas tree? Seems like a simple question, but search the internet and you will find a wide variety of answers. Some Muslims will write that a Christmas tree is not Christian and it actually predates Christianity, so it is ok. Another will quote Mohammed who said that Muslims cannot imitate other religions or they will be corrupted by them. And in the middle ground some people say that it is a matter of your heart. If you like a Christmas tree and think it is pretty, then that’s all that matters. Go ahead and get a Christmas tree. So, there is a wide range of views among Muslims here in the US on this subject.
It is at the same time quite interesting that there are tens of millions of Americans who do not follow Christ, but they have a Christmas tree and exchange gifts on Christmas with family and friends. This must be so confusing to new Muslim refugees and immigrants. They hear of Christmas as it is talked about on the radio, in schools, and in TV commercials. The streets of almost every main street in America will have decorations and festive lights on display. On the radio and through email blasts you will hear daily updates on the number of shopping days before Christmas. There are Christmas specials available for washing machines and automobiles and everything in between. It all seems to be painted with the same brush, doesn't it? Then there are those who don’t say Merry Christmas. They say, “Season’s Greetings” and go out of their way to avoid saying the word Christmas. If a confused Muslim says “Merry Christmas” to them, just trying to be polite and fit into American culture, they can receive a rude comment back.
Many Muslims come to the West with the belief that all Westerners are Christian. Just as they believe that all Afghans or all Saudis are Muslim. With this lens of looking at America, especially in the blurring of faith and culture during the Christmas season, there can be many reasons why Muslims don’t want anything to do with the Christian faith. It is so important for Christians at this time to have interactions with Muslims and carefully find ways to point out the differences between a true believer in Christ who lives in America and all the other people who live in America. This can be a fine line. We don’t want to become pharisaical, or have a holier than thou attitude. We need to speak with gentleness and great humility. But if we say nothing, why would a Muslim father or mother want to follow Christ or have their son or daughter follow Christ? Would you want your children following a religion that you thought promoted sex and alcohol? Because that is what they see portrayed in movies and advertisements.
We need to find ways to build a spiritual reputation among our Muslim friends that is genuine and humble. We need to ask the hard question: “Have we just absorbed our culture around us as normal?” And are we silently communicating that same thing to our children, friends, and neighbors? What are some ways that you could build a spiritual reputation among your Muslim friends? With your other friends and family members? Do you bring up the name of Christ in conversation? Do you tell bible stories and apply them to everyday life issues? Are you offering to pray and praying for your Muslim friends? Do they know you have a regular quiet time of Bible reading and quiet reflection? Muslims go to the mosque daily and do their prayers visibly in front of others- theirs is a very visible faith. Do they see you live out your faith? We don’t pray to be seen by others, because Jesus taught us that. We are not to brag or show off, but they do need to see you have an active faith. We need to pray and live out our faith with humility and tenderness. This will be how they differentiate you from the rest of the Americans around you. Advent starts on November 27. Perhaps you could use an Advent calendar and talk about Advent as a preparation time for Christmas as a way to incorporate your faith into daily life?