By SEND info 01 May, 2024
“Tell me again how this patient got here?” I asked the hospital staff workers.
By SEND info 01 May, 2024
“What is one way our audience can be praying for your ministry, team, or family?”
By SEND info 01 Apr, 2024
By a member of SEND Diaspora | North America team.
By SEND info 01 Apr, 2024
By a member of SEND’s Romania | Europe team
By SEND info 01 Mar, 2024
By a SEND missionary in Eurasia If you close your eyes and try to picture a map of the world, you might see, in your mind’s eye, the continents of the world, the giant land masses of Asia, Africa, South America, and so on. Or maybe you can visualize a few big countries like China, Nigeria, Ukraine, India, Brazil, or France. But can your mind’s eye picture the complex interconnection of multiple cultures, peoples, and languages that make up hundreds of local communities all over the globe? What a swirling interwoven masterpiece that is! These culturally complex communities and people movements are global realities that our God sees, and that He can use for His glory.
By SEND info 01 Mar, 2024
One Couple’s Choice to Stay, Welcome, Invite, and Love
By SEND info 01 Mar, 2024
It was the middle of the month of Ramadan, and it was hot in the Central Asian country we were living in. We were out shopping for materials to make a set of clothes. As we walked into the next open shop, we looked around but saw no one. A fan was running in the back, rotating 90 degrees in an endless motion of back and forth. We called out and said hello, but no one answered. We assumed the shopkeeper had just stepped out for a minute, so we continued looking for materials around the shop.
By SEND info 01 Mar, 2024
People often have misconceptions about missionary life (for example, that missionaries are spiritual giants evangelizing 100% of the time and seeing many people come to Christ quickly). In actuality, our missionaries are ordinary Christians seeking to be faithful followers of Jesus as they minister to those around them.
By SEND info 01 Feb, 2024
Please join us in praying on the first Friday of every month for those in the Muslim community to find the beauty of Christ in their lives. By a member of SEND Diaspora | North America team.
By SEND info 01 Feb, 2024
It's always special to meet young interns and prepare them for their work in the field. It takes a lot of courage to go and live in a remote area thousands of miles away from home. Our sending offices and sending partner organizations prepares them well, and we at SEND North—a receiving area—provide them with support they need while they are on the field.
By SEND info 01 Feb, 2024
Sign up for Explore Together today!
By SEND info 01 Feb, 2024
One of the primary challenges for missionaries is adapting to a new culture. Language barriers, unfamiliar customs, and social norms can create a sense of isolation. Ways to Overcome:
By SEND info 01 Jan, 2024
By a member of SEND’s Diaspora | North America team Resettlement Adjustments Beyond Language
By SEND info 01 Jan, 2024
By a member of Team Hope in Southeast Asia | Asia Across the river from the village where Team Hope had been working lay a secluded community known for its strict privacy and long-standing isolation. Access to this insulated area was granted only upon receiving an invitation from someone within. Our opportunity for engagement arose through a welcome d encounter.
By SEND info 01 Jan, 2024
By a member of SEND North | North America Some of us who have served a long time in missions have been asked to share how God called us in the hopes that a younger generation can relate to this, at least in part, and respond to God’s call for their lives. I’m not sure many will relate to my story, but perhaps you will, so here goes.
By SEND info 01 Jan, 2024
First H oliday Away From Home
By SEND info 01 Jan, 2024
By a SEND missionary in Eurasia
By SEND info 01 Jan, 2024
Find out how you can become a SEND missionary .
By SEND info 01 Dec, 2023
A Change of PlansUPDATES | ASIA December 2023By E.K., a member of SEND Thailand | AsiaOver the semester, I went on a trip with my Thai friend, Amara*, and her family. Amara's mom invited Laura* to join us. Laura is an American teacher with the Peace Core who teaches at her Thai school. Laura and I shared the same room one night and it was then that I realized God had a different plan for me than I originally had in mind. I was there for Laura. She spoke of her religiously mixed family, and her journey to decide for herself what she would believe. The night was filled with talk of her experience with Jesus, the church and its responsibility to love people, the difference between...the Old and New Testament, and the end times. “Even in Thailand, surrounded by Buddhists, I still feel drawn to Jesus. If anything, coming to Thailand has swayed me more towards him than away.” Our time together was special and encouraging. It was amazing to see her open up about her spiritual life. When going away on a trip with Amara, I anticipated interactions with her family and other Thai people. Little did I know, God had already made an appointment with someone from my very own country. *Names changed for privacy.Learn more about SEND’s teams in Asia!
By SEND info 01 Dec, 2023
By a member of SEND’s Diaspora | North America team "Do I have to wear a hijab to school?" Inaya*, a 15-year-old, had just moved to the U.S. from the Middle East. A new culture, new language, and new school. Would wearing a Muslim head scarf make it hard for her to fit in?
By SEND info 01 Dec, 2023
By a member of SEND’s Diaspora | North America team
By SEND info 01 Nov, 2023
If you can’t see yourself pastoring a church or working another church-related job, that doesn’t mean you can’t be a missionary. Whether you shine at the head of the classroom, feel at home on the soccer field, or bring out your best in business management, God has gifted you with skills that you can use to reach the unreached and take the gospel message to the world.
By SEND info 01 Nov, 2023
Have you ever considered what it takes to send missionaries to unreached corners of the world? God calls ordinary people to join his life-changing work as missionaries. But here's the lesser-known part: God also calls ordinary people to power this extraordinary work behind-the-scenes. At SEND, our home office fervently works to equip and support our missionaries. By handling the seemingly mundane tasks, this team frees up our missionaries to focus on the mission.
By SEND info 01 Nov, 2023
By a member of SEND’s Diaspora | North America team One question will soon be asked at Thanksgiving gatherings across the United States: “What are you thankful for?” The answers will undoubtedly vary, but I would guess that at the top of the list, many will say friends and family. This is also true for Muslim refugee and immigrant families who have arrived among us. Friends and family are at the heart of what refugees and immigrants miss the most in this new land. Almost all Muslims come from very relational communities, and now they are in a new land without the support structure of their previous community. Who will they seek out to be their new community? Who will seek them out to see what needs they have? What a golden opportunity to reach out with the love of Christ and extend hospitality to these families. Thanksgiving is a time of reflection and appreciation of our own blessings but it is also a prime time to share your blessings with others. Could you reach out this year and invite a Muslim family from your neighborhood or workplace for a meal together? When you do so, keep a few things in mind. First, ask about their food restrictions. This immediately shows that you are intentional and genuinely interested in having them come. Meeting their food restrictions is not difficult. Second, consider asking your guests to bring something to share at the meal. This is a way for them to be able to contribute instead of always being on the receiving end of things. They too have pride, and it is helpful and healthy for them to contribute to the meal. When everyone is gathered together for the meal, before or after giving thanks, go around the room and ask people what they are thankful for this year. This gives them an opportunity to share something. It also gives you a chance to share your gratitude for God’s blessings and provisions, especially his provision of forgiveness and life in Jesus Christ.
By SEND info 01 Oct, 2023
By SEND info 01 Oct, 2023
I recently went up to Los Angeles County to serve at the Jesus Otaku Booth at AnimeExpo. AnimeExpo is one of the largest anime conventions in North America. This year there were about 160,000 attendees over the four-day event.
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