Caleb and Raquel Enns believe that the Gospel needs to be preached to all the nations, and that God has called and equipped them to make disciples as long-term global workers in Thailand.
From the beginning, their ministry journey has been exciting and at times scary! Exciting, because they want to serve God overseas. Scary, because they are walking into many unknowns as they prepare to be long-term global workers. Still Caleb and Raquel have experienced God's faithfulness as they have stepped out in faith.
They are seeing His faithfulness as they
support. Recently two churches that Caleb and Raquel were not associated with expressed an interest in supporting them!
When Caleb and Raquel arrive in Thailand they will begin by studying the local language, and then will join a church planting team in a Shan village. Most Shan people are very poor, and many face drug addiction and human trafficking. The spiritual and physical needs are immense! However, Caleb and Raquel are trusting in the faithfulness of God to use them to bring the Gospel to the Shan!