
People Group

Spaniards, Immigrants from: Latin America, South America, Eastern Europe, Africa

Major Religions

Roman Catholicism, Islam


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SEND’s Ministry

The growing SEND Spain team offers opportunities for you to use your unique gifts and talents to proclaim Christ. Our teammates develop relationships through conversational English classes, business as mission, youth events, music, sports, and community activities. We welcome creativity in reaching all of the people of Spain for Christ. Spain also needs workers who engage and disciple the next generation for Christ. Life-on-life relationships are critical to inviting people to faith and discipling followers of Jesus. 

We are constantly exploring new ways to engage people in Spain and welcome new teammates who want to make a sustainable, lasting impact!


Spiritual Climate

Spain is at a crossroads: still recovering from the economic crisis during the pandemic while moving from a long history of cultural religion to a modern culture of secularism and materialism. Spain has a deep history that has impacted several continents and traditions that go back hundreds and thousands of years. At the same time, people struggle to navigate the present and future challenges in Spain. The Roman Catholic Church continues to have a significant influence on the life of Spaniards.


Spain still has one of Europe's higher unemployment rates. Young people often lack hope for the future. True hope in Jesus Christ is shared through relationships built on time and trust. A strong evangelical testimony is needed, though not present in many towns and cities in Spain. It is estimated that 10 million people in Spain live in rural towns and smaller cities without an evangelical presence. There are many ethnic minorities, refugees, and immigrants in Spain as well in need of the gospel. Most evangelical churches in Spain are small and have few resources, and response to evangelism is slow.

SEND Spain has a long history of partnership with denominations and local churches, working in provinces around Spain including areas surrounding Madrid and Basque Country. Though, the team is not limited to working in these areas.

Team Goals

Our vision is reaching Spain with the gospel and establishing reproducing churches that impact the world for Christ through healthy teams and partnerships. Our team values include service, respect, teamwork, development, and bearing fruit. 

  • Service - We are devoted followers of Christ who, through a life of servanthood, love and humility, give ourselves to helping others to know Jesus Christ and to grow in their relationship with Him. 
  • Respect - We in SEND Spain value the strength found in a diverse intercultural community, and through good communication we develop an atmosphere of transparency, trust, and respect.
  • Teamwork - We partner together with likeminded co-laborers, whether nationals or fellow missionaries. We commit to serving SEND Spain and to mutually supporting one another.
  • Development - In Spain we remain equipped, adaptable, and constantly improving as individuals, local teams, and as an organization to cultivate new ideas and new ways of building relationships, to reach people for Christ and build His Church. 
  • Bearing Fruit – As competent servants, we persevere in engaging with people by meeting holistic needs to make disciples who assemble in multiplying churches of Christ formed by the Word. 

We are currently working on new five-year goals that will help SEND Spain develop as a team, mobilize new workers, reach the lost in Spain, and establish reproducing churches. One initiative we are exploring is expanding a gospel presence into Muslim communities. We invite you to learn more about joining our team! 

Life in Spain looks like: 

  • Continually building relationships with people 
  • Adapting to the rhythms and culture of Spain
  • Using your skills and passions to meet people, share your faith, and disciple believers
  • The beauty of the seashore, mountains, and small towns
  • Amazing food
  • Sharing your story and journey of faith with people in meaningful ways
  • Navigating the cultural differences and learning the Spanish language
  • Investing in long-term relationships and partnerships 

Would you be a good fit for this team?

We are looking for humble, creative, teachable, and persevering teammates who are eager to build relationships in the community. We partner with nationals in a variety of ways and it is important for us to be life-long learners. We walk closely with Jesus in work, rest, and spiritual growth in order to thrive amidst all the demands of cross-cultural living. Passion for Jesus, love for people, and patience are all characteristics that fit well working with the Spain team. 

Please note: Due to Spanish laws, children of workers are required to be registered in a school recognized by the government. As a result, homeschooling is not a legal option in Spain for those interested to serve with SEND.


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