
North America

Pockets of people who have not heard of the saving love of Christ live across North America. These unreached people groups include refugees from otherwise-closed countries, residents of tiny villages far from the road system in Alaska and the Yukon, and immigrants from a variety of nations. Their religious beliefs range from animist to Buddhist to Muslim. Our teams live gospel-centered lives in these communities, sharing God’s love, grace, and forgiveness in word and deed.

SEND North America Ministries

We call it the 60/70 Window: Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Nunavut —...
The United States and Canada have welcomed more than 50 million immigrants...
SEND is sharing the hope and light of the gospel with Muslims in Asia, Eurasia, Europe and...

“Unreached people groups in North America are truly unreached, regardless of whether they are trapped in poverty and abuse or successfully pursuing the American Dream. Barriers of geography, language, religion, culture, and worldview keep them from understanding the Good News. This will not change until God’s people cross those barriers to build relationships of love and trust through which we can demonstrate and explain what it means to follow Christ.”
— John Wicker, North America Regional Director

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