
Choosing a mission

Tags: Exploring Missions, Story, US Office

How do you choose one mission to join when there are many great agencies? Do you even need a mission agency? Start by figuring out who you are. What are you passionate about—a particular kind of ministry, a country, a people group? Think about your gifting and what interests you. Your unique experience may also affect your decision. Now that you have narrowed down the options, recognize that mission agencies also have distinct personalities. Here are some questions to ask:

  • What is the leadership and organizational structure?
  • What is the mission’s stated purpose? Is it accomplishing that? How? Do these goals excite you?
  • Is the mission growing?
  • How does the mission relate to the churches at home? Does it serve and support the local church?
  • How does the mission relate to the churches overseas? How do the missionaries relate to the local believers and leaders? Are they servants or rulers?
  • How are finances and support handled? How are support requirements determined?
  • Will they train you to raise support?
  • Is the mission a good steward of funds? Does the mission publish annual audits?
  • For married couples, are both spouses accepted? How does the mission handle families?
  • What roles are open for women, married or single?
  • How does the mission care for its missionaries? What initial and continuing training is offered?
  • Does the mission have a good reputation?

If you feel God is leading you into missions, talk with your pastor, mission professor, and missionaries you know. SEND International may or may not be your first choice but we would be happy to talk with you. We are open to all your questions and we’ll do our best to give you helpful answers. You can read more about how SEND cares for its workers here, or click here to get in contact with a mobilizer in your area.