Your gifts continue SENDing Help and Hope through local churches in Ukraine!
From a church partner in Ukraine:
"During the past two weeks four youngsters and three adults made the decision and reconciled with Jesus. Almost all of them agreed to come onto the stage today so that the church could greet them and pray for them.
We are happy that God is reaching for people through us. We are glad that he has saved them from bombs and missiles, but most importantly - from eternal death. We realize that he is rejoicing about them even more than we are! The Heavenly Father has found them in this world! Christ's sacrifice wasn't in vain!
A lot of Christians don't see the fruits of their evangelism. But God is showing us his mercy and he has let us see these fruits. One day in heaven people will come to you and thank you that you did all you could so that they would be saved from the lake of fire."
Thank you for giving, and praying for Ukraine. God is using his people and his church to do incredible things in the midst of the crisis in Ukraine.