Through Bars of Iron

Psalm 107:14,16~ “He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains; for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron.”

Closed to the Gospel

Team Hope has had a presence among the SE Asian Miga* people group for almost 20 years. Reaching this group of 1.5 million Muslims with the Light of Jesus often feels like trying to break through solid gates of bronze and iron. Through centuries of distrust and conflict, the Miga have been extremely closed to the Gospel of Jesus.

In the last two decades, Team Hope has actively worked to build relationships of trust. For years, the team members have watched and sown in faith, and have begun to witness God chipping away at the cracks of the defensive walls surrounding Miga hearts.

Medical Clinics

One of the tools that God has repeatedly used to build trust in these closed communities has been the team’s annual medical clinics. Where people may not be open to the Message of the gospel, they are open to messengers who are meeting felt needs. This past January, a team of volunteer doctors and nurses served over 1,800 patients in one week of clinics throughout four Miga communities. God provided two opthamologists, a local dentist, a doctor from Germany, and two from the States. Through the donations of 400 toothbrushes, every dental patient went home with a toothbrush and toothpaste. They were also able to give away over 1,000 pairs of donated eyeglasses.

An Integrated Approach

In past years, Team Hope had faced some opposition from local leaders in its efforts to hold medical clinics. However, this year, the governor’s office actually challenged its health centers to partner with the team. At the clinics, patients had their vitals taken and sat through a mini health-education lecture, addressing common health issues in these particular communities. Also, this year, patients had a longer time in counseling and prayer, allowing team members to give more attention to deeper heart issues, and pointing them to Jesus for the solution to their problems. Doctors prayed with them before sending them to the on-site pharmacy for the necessary medicines.

Follow-up Classes

Team Hope now offers follow-up health classes, focusing on relevant community needs such as Infectious Conditions, Diabetes & High Blood Pressure, and Pregnancy & Infant Care and Nutrition. From February to April, Team Hope completed seven health certificate programs in the communities and one on the local university campus.

A Woman's Life Spared

This teaching schedule can be exhausting for the team, but the fruit of good relationships and lasting impact has been worth it. One young mother of four, seen by a doctor in January clinics for high blood sugar, was told that she would die soon if she did not make significant lifestyle changes. During the team’s post-clinic health class, this woman decided to cut back on instant, sugary coffee & white rice in order to lower her blood sugar. In March, she excitedly shared with team staff that she had just received a clean bill of health from the doctor .

Pointing to Jesus

The goal and purpose of holistic ministry, of course, is not just to treat symptoms and prevent health problems. The desire is to address the root of all mankind’s problems: the need for Jesus. The purpose behind medical clinics and all of Team Hope’s work is twofold: to be the presence of Jesus and to bring the message of Jesus to the Miga people of Southeast Asia. Team Hope's prayer is that through meeting felt needs, the Miga will sense the immense love of Jesus for them, and that the team might have opportunity to point Muslim friends to the person of “Isa al Masih” (Jesus the Messiah) through Discovery Bible Studies. God has been using these studies and these medical outreaches to break through walls of bronze and cut through bars of iron to bring the Miga people out of darkness and into His glorious light!

*The name of the people group has been changed for the protection of the team and the people it serves.

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