Like most great moments in history, Team Unity’s story began with more questions than answers: How do we effectively spread the Gospel among the unreached Muslim peoples of the Ural Mountain Regions of Russia? How can we, as a team, become more aware of what God is doing in the hearts of our Muslim neighbors?
The vision behind Team Unity was formed twenty years ago, when a young Ukrainian couple felt God’s call to work in Russia. *Slavic and *Katya moved to one of the big cities to work with youth. Through their ministry, two young men became brothers in Christ from Muslim backgrounds. Eighteen months ago, Slavic returned to this initial area of ministry and found both of his young brothers in key leadership roles in the national church. The men were overjoyed to see Slavic! After a sweet time of fellowship and reunion, the men became serious and expressed to Slavic their main concern: “You left some unfinished business here.” The men went on to explain that Slavic and Katya had left before teaching them how to reach their own Muslim families and peoples with the Gospel. This is where the vision for Team Unity was born. Late summer 2016, Slavic and Katya’s dream to return with a team of long-term workers became a reality.
Team Unity is now working with national believers to establish indigenous churches among the more overlooked unreached people groups in the area. Our desire is to mobilize these national believers in developing their own system and plan for engaging groups like the *Pantu and *Wakso Muslim peoples, and other unreached peoples around the world.
*Names of SEND workers and people groups have been changed for security reasons.
For many in our region, our city functions as a crossroads- a major geographical and cultural hub of commerce, trade, and cultural blending for over 100 ethnic groups from different backgrounds, histories, and religions. We believe now is the time that the Father wants to write another page in his story for our region of the world. He wants our city and region to be the spiritual hub that influences all nations and ethnicities around her.
Our team is new; thus, our staff is working to master multiple languages present in our region, building relationships, and spending weekly time praying about God’s plans for this place. We are seeking 1000 brothers and sisters who will commit to join us in prayer for this new ministry.
We are so privileged to be a part of the great story God is writing her in the Ural Mountain Regions of Russia. We know the best is yet to come!