In Opole, Poland, the Holy Spirit won’t keep quiet, not even in the library.
Every Wednesday, a growing group gathers there to discuss spiritual matters.
“We watch a video about a difficult issue, and then we ask, ‘What does the Bible say about this,’” explains SEND missionary Mitch Misak. “We have 40 minutes to talk, but we could use another hour.”
Some of the attendees are hearing the Word for the first time.
“It’s really interesting to sit back and see how the discussion goes,” Mitch said. “One retired lady tells me that now she’s reading her Bible more.”
Through a library contact, God led Mitch to another open door — leading to a school gymnasium. Mitch now coaches basketball at two public schools.
“We start with a Bible lesson on a virtue — patience, forgiveness, perseverance,” Mitch says. “I use basketball to illustrate the virtues. So, if you pass the ball to someone and they miss, you forgive them and give them another chance.
“I hold on to Isaiah 55:11— God’s word does not return void — and pray that God’s truth will shape these young boys into young men who will hold true to the Bible.”
As people from these outreaches become ready to attend church, Mitch can invite them to a vibrant, evangelism-focused congregation.
The church plant in Opole recently baptized five new believers and is outgrowing its space. The worship leader led a friend to Christ. The friend led her co-worker to Christ, and then her boyfriend.
“They had been living together for eight years. They decided, without any of us saying anything, that they should stop living together and get married,” Mitch said. “They felt convicted by the Holy Spirit. This spoke volumes to their family, their coworkers, their friends.”
Mitch recently introduced a university student to the husband.
“We were talking about the way being narrow when this new husband just shared the gospel with him,” Mitch said. “It was amazing to see.”
Thank you, Lord, for Polish people hearing the gospel for the first time. May your word accomplish its work in their lives.
Reprinted from SEND International's 2016 Annual Report.
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