NMT Class Schedule

Please plan to be ready to fly at your assigned time for travel on May 20. The program will start with dinner that evening. Class schedule will be all day May 21-23 with some evenings open for informal fellowship and exploring Port Alsworth. Return travel times will be assigned for the 24th while you are at the conference.

Below is a list of possible topics we'll cover based on speaker availability and time constraints (these are subject to change. Below you'll also find a sample schedule from our 2023 NMT.

Possible Topics for NMT:

  • Crafting an oral Bible story – Learn and practice skills for preparing to teach using an oral method.

  • Indigenous Perspectives on Native culture – Hear from a native person what they think you should know coming into their culture with the gospel.

  • Tectonic shifts in youth culture – What is changing today and how might it impact our approach to ministry with young people

  • Understanding Generational Cultures – Learn the main differences between the generations alive today and how to improve interactions between them.

  • Co-dependency and Paternalism – Learn to recognize and avoid these common relational pitfalls.

  • Intentional living among northern native cultures – Why you are present impacts how you are present in the North.

  • Influence of Russian Orthodoxy and Catholicism – dispel misconceptions and understand the nuances of working among these very different branches of Christianity.

  • Biblical Worldview on Spiritual Warfare – Going back to scripture to understand the spiritual realm and our position in it.

  • Two sides of Discipleship – Meet the northern version of Paul and Timothy and hear about their challenges and victories along the way.

  • One point teaching – focus your efforts for powerful communication.

  • Insight into Honor / Shame cultures – learn key concepts to help your cross cultural understanding.

  • A Vision for growing the body of Christ in the rural North – What are we shooting for anyway?

  • Coping skills or mechanisms? – Everyone copes. Learn the to recognize the healthy and unhealthy.

  • What is the Gospel? – back to scripture for perspective on what exactly this good news is that we are sharing.

  • Presence in Grief – learn from the voice of experience and scripture how to be with people experiencing grief.

  • Working on a ministry team - Discuss the challenges and joys of working on team for the long haul.

  • Youth ministry in the rural North – Hear what works and what doesn’t and how it might differ from traditional American models.

  • Helping with Addiction – Fundamentals of addiction psychology with practical tips for the minister.

Sample 2023 schedule:

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